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Welcome to another of my Top 10s! This time I'm looking at Nicolas Cage movies and if you know me at all then you know that Mr Cage is something of an obsession with me... I'll be counting down the Top 10 Cage films that I personally enjoy watching the most. I'll be leaving out loads of good movies of course ( Lord Of War ), as well as movies I haven't seen in a long time and really need to re-watch ( Snake Eyes , 8MM , The Rock ) so I might revisit this list eventually. Some films that I actually quite like, I'm thinking Trapped In Paradise , Matchstick Men or Peggy Sue got Married just missed out on the list which includes genuinely good movies and movies which may not be particularly great (or simply so bad they're good) but are worth watching since The Cage is at his most entertaining. On that note, lets "Cage" that shit up: 10 DEADFALL/THE WICKER MAN In the so-bad-they're-good category, here we have two films, both clunky